Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Micro Enterprise in...

RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF RURAL MICRO ENTERPRISE (RME) IN MALAYSIA Musdiana Mohamad Salleh Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA ( UiTM) Kedah Branch. P.O Box 187 08400, Merbok Kedah, Malaysia e-mail: diana001@kedah.uitm.edu.my Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) P.O Box 187, 08400, Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia e-mail: zahira@kedah.uitm.edu.my RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF RURAL MICRO ENTERPRISE (RME) IN MALAYSIA Abstract Entrepreneurship has been a topical issue in business administration literature and mostly the wave on interest is on the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth literature. This paper†¦show more content†¦Definitional issues: entrepreneurship, micro enterprise and rurality Numerous definition of entrepreneurship can also be found in the literature. Hisrich and Peters (1998) define entrepreneurship as â€Å"the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time effort assuming the accompanying financial, physic and social risks and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and independence† while Zacharis et al (2000) define entrepreneurship as â€Å" any attempt to create a new business enterprise or to expand existing business by an individual, ateam individuals or an established business†. Micro enterprises are typically defined as very small, informally run businesses, involved in activities other than crop production. In the United States, Canada and Britain, small scale business is defined according to the number of paid employees and total annual turnover. In Britain for example, businesses with an annual sales of  £2 million or less and have less than 200 paid employees will be classified as small scale business. In Malaysia, small enterprise covers all enterprises employing between 5-49 workers; medium scale enterprise employs between 50-199 workers and large enterprise has more than 200 employees. Micro enterprise employs less than 5 workers and is normally treated as an informal sector under the Ministry of States and Regional Development. There are stillShow MoreRelatedEntrepreneurship Development in Malaysia2543 Words   |  11 Pagescreate business opportunities throughout the entire value chain in agriculture and food production sector including the related supporting industries. Business activities in agriculture involve production of primary products, downstream or processed products, byproducts and waste utilization as well as activities in the supporting businesses, such as packaging, transportation, marketing, supply of inputs and machineries. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Self-Defense Law Free Essays

Post | Self-Defense Law | A WSJ Article by Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry | | Robert Hallam| 4/1/2012| LAW-13 Paper #2 | Self-defense laws, also known as â€Å"stand your ground laws†, have been a significant aspect of many court cases. However, like most other laws, these laws can be used improperly and cause excess controversy around a case. Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry’s article titled â€Å"More Killings Called Self-Defense† from the March 31st edition of Wall Street Journal brings attention to these self-defense laws. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Defense Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now The case discussed in the article is an example of self-defense laws causing controversy, as many protestors believe these laws were used improperly. This is also a common issue as the number of justifiable homicides seems to be on the rise. Are these â€Å"stand your ground laws† truly being abused? This is the main issue causing the debate surrounding cases around the country. The article describes a case of homicide in which 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by supposed neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman. This case has become very controversial for several reasons. Much debate has been sparked as to whether this homicide was actually an intentional hate crime, as Martin was a black teenager, who supposedly posed no real threat to the killer. Despite lack of evidence against Martin, Zimmerman still claims that his act was out of self-defense and he has not been charged or arrested. Zimmerman claims he was walking to his car and Martin approached him and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. Recent evidence shows that there was virtually no damage inflicted on Zimmerman’s face or nose. Zimmerman also claims that Martin had bashed his head into the ground, leaving him with serious head injuries. New video evidence goes against his claim, revealing no head injuries (Zerlina, 2012). His lawyer has yet to make any further comments. Although it cannot be assumed that race was a main factor in this case, it is still the cause of much debate. Since Martin supposedly posed no real threat to the killer, protestors believe that this is not considered justifiable homicide and the self-defense law is being used improperly. The article provides statistics regarding justifiable homicide and self-defense laws, as well as the relationship between the two. According to the information provided in the article, the data on the relationship between the two has not been sufficiently studied, thus many questions surrounding the issue are still left unanswered. For instance, according to criminal scientists, â€Å"the data on justifiable homicide and their relationship to â€Å"stand your ground laws† has not been rigorously studied†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ So the question remains unanswered if â€Å"a rise in justifiable homicides reflects killings that otherwise wouldn’t have happened. Other questions are left unreciprocated as well. What is the typical relationship between the killers and the victims in these sorts of cases? These types of questions remain debatable, according to the statistics and data provided. Many other statistics are mentioned in the article, such as data regarding methods of murder (weapons; guns being the most popular in cases of justifiable homicide), age of victims, and as mentioned previously, race. It appears that many self-defense laws are far too susceptible to abuse (Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts , 2010). The newer concept commonly seen in stand your ground laws follow the obscene Florida variation that â€Å"not only eliminates the duty to retreat, but also presumes that a person who uses deadly force in his home or vehicle had a reasonable fear of harm, and it immunizes the killer from civil lawsuits† (palazzolo, 2012) ; as opposed to the common standard â€Å"Castle Doctrine† system in which individual home owners were perfectly justified in using deadly force against home intruders. The opposition to these new laws asserts that a legal statute was even included in said doctrine that â€Å"you can shoot to kill if your life is in peril, period. † However that does not give you the right to pursue possibly innocent non-immediate threats and that those situations are best handled by notifying authorities. According to the legal definition of self-defense, the harm of another person is only justifiable †if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm† (lectric law ). So, according to this definition, homicide is only justified if there is a present danger and an attack is being made to avoid such danger. The defense must be done to prevent a crime which would amount to a felony if committed (lectric law ). These laws are intended to allow an individual to prevent real harm on his or her self. In short, was the case concerning the murder of Martin truly a case of self-defense, or should Zimmerman be charged with homicide? Here is where the debate comes into play. In this case, it appears that there is no evidence collected against Martin, and so the homicide should not yet be considered justifiable. This is an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to abuse. If an act of homicide is going to be deemed justified, there should always be a sufficient amount of evidence. The possibility of Zimmerman’s case being a hate crime still exists, but there is not enough evidence to support this either. Although self-defense laws are helpful to many cases, these powers can clearly be abused. Since proper evidence has not been provided, it is improper to make official conclusions, but it seems that Zimmerman’s case may be an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to exploitation. Zimmerman’s case does not seem to follow the legal definition of self-defense, yet he was not charged or arrested. Protestors are fighting for Zimmerman’s arrest, as not enough evidence has been found against Martin, the victim of gunfire who supposedly presented a threat to the attacker. These protestors are rallying nationwide in support of Zimmerman’s conviction. Works Cited (n. d. ). Retrieved april 2, 2012, from lectric law : http://www. lectlaw. com/def/d030. htm palazzolo, j. (2012). more killings called self defense. wall street journal , 1-2. Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts . (2010). Essentials of business law and the legal environment . Mason: Sout-Western Cengage Learning. Zerlina. (2012, march 29). feninisting. com. Retrieved march 25, 2012, from http://feministing. com/2012/03/29/george-zimmermans-self-defense-story-of-trayvon-martin-shooting-falls-apart/ How to cite Self-Defense Law, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

To do sympathise with curley or do you condemn her free essay sample

Throughout the 1930s in California, where and when the novel of mice and men was set, women were frequently suppressed and treated as objects. They were put down and often abused. They were forced to do anything their husband says otherwise they were condemned by the family and general public. Several of these issues are reflected in the character of Curleys wife. This character is portrayed in many different ways in the different stages of her life. This character is nameless and is only ever referred to as Curleys wife. I think this may mean that she is not a major part and as a woman is thought of as insignificant and maybe Steinbeck feels that it is not necessary to name her as it was viewed at the time as she does not need or deserve one. This is why I think that she should be sympathised. The men that work on the ranch have a different opinion as they call her a â€Å"tart† and â€Å"jail bait† they call her this because she flirts with the other ranch hands despite being married to curly. We will write a custom essay sample on To do sympathise with curley or do you condemn her or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By using the word â€Å"jail† it shows that it is like being in a prison for her and she is stuck there. This is our very first introduction of Curley’s wife which makes a big impact on how we view her for the rest of the story. From this point onwards we always think of her as looking for trouble and living up to her name as being â€Å"jail bait†. Different readers would have different impressions of her as they may feel they could connect with her. A woman feels sorry for her because she is stuck at the barn with a load of men and was not able to for fill her dream of becoming an actor. As a man may think that she is just there to cause trouble. Another reason to feel sorry for her is because she is lonely, â€Å"Think I’m gonna stay in that two-by four house and listen to how Curley’s gonna lead with his left twice, and then bring in the ol’ right cross. † This shows that Curley’s wife is very lonely, as are so many people in the novel and is trapped in a loveless marriage. Finally, she could be sympathised for because she had her dreams ruined. She was told that she was going to be put in the movies but she never did. â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies. † By saying she was going to be â€Å"in the movies† is shows that she was going to have a perfect life but not everything turns out right and you can end up with nothing. Although, at some points in the book you have no sympathy for Curley’s wife and you condemn her. An example of this would be when she is horrible to crooks and threatens him with lynching. â€Å"You know what I can do if you open your Trap† This shows that she can be vindictive and she will use the power her status gives her even if it is totally unfair. By using the word â€Å"trap† it shows that once she is there it is hard to get away and she is stuck. When she dies I feel sorry for her as she never meant no harm to anyone and was just looking for company, not for sex, as she had no one to talk to. Another reason why I feel sorry for her I because she died due to Lennie’s incapableness of controlling himself. Another person’s view may be that the death was â€Å"futile†. To conclude, I feel sympathetic for Curley’s wife as she was promised dreams that she never got . She got married to a man that did not love her and she lived her life seeking attention and love which she did not get from her husband, In return all the men turned their noses up at her and thought she was there to cause trouble. A quote, when she dies, which sums her up would be â€Å"she was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. † This shows that she was never really evil and her punishment outweigh all crimes she may have committed.