Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Challenges and Opportunities of Rural Micro Enterprise in...

RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF RURAL MICRO ENTERPRISE (RME) IN MALAYSIA Musdiana Mohamad Salleh Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA ( UiTM) Kedah Branch. P.O Box 187 08400, Merbok Kedah, Malaysia e-mail: diana001@kedah.uitm.edu.my Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) P.O Box 187, 08400, Merbok, Kedah, Malaysia e-mail: zahira@kedah.uitm.edu.my RURAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF RURAL MICRO ENTERPRISE (RME) IN MALAYSIA Abstract Entrepreneurship has been a topical issue in business administration literature and mostly the wave on interest is on the role of entrepreneurship in economic growth literature. This paper†¦show more content†¦Definitional issues: entrepreneurship, micro enterprise and rurality Numerous definition of entrepreneurship can also be found in the literature. Hisrich and Peters (1998) define entrepreneurship as â€Å"the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time effort assuming the accompanying financial, physic and social risks and receiving the resulting rewards of monetary and personal satisfaction and independence† while Zacharis et al (2000) define entrepreneurship as â€Å" any attempt to create a new business enterprise or to expand existing business by an individual, ateam individuals or an established business†. Micro enterprises are typically defined as very small, informally run businesses, involved in activities other than crop production. In the United States, Canada and Britain, small scale business is defined according to the number of paid employees and total annual turnover. In Britain for example, businesses with an annual sales of  £2 million or less and have less than 200 paid employees will be classified as small scale business. In Malaysia, small enterprise covers all enterprises employing between 5-49 workers; medium scale enterprise employs between 50-199 workers and large enterprise has more than 200 employees. Micro enterprise employs less than 5 workers and is normally treated as an informal sector under the Ministry of States and Regional Development. There are stillShow MoreRelatedEntrepreneurship Development in Malaysia2543 Words   |  11 Pagescreate business opportunities throughout the entire value chain in agriculture and food production sector including the related supporting industries. Business activities in agriculture involve production of primary products, downstream or processed products, byproducts and waste utilization as well as activities in the supporting businesses, such as packaging, transportation, marketing, supply of inputs and machineries. 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It will try to find out different socio-cultural and economic aspects which helps and sometimes through challenge to the entrepreneurs. 1.5.1 Target group and data collection: Target group for the survey are women entrepreneurs in Boutique business in Dhaka and Chittagong city. Both primary and secondary data have been used for the purpose. A detailed questionnaireRead MoreIcici Bank- Strategy Analysis12524 Words   |  51 Pagesstrategy 7 Corporate relationships 7 Technology 8 Operational excellence 8 ICICI and International Business 9 International remittance key corridors for India 9 Business Model 10 ICICI Bank Approach 10 Agri and Microfinance sector 12 Rural, Micro-Banking amp; Agribusiness Group (RMAG) 13 Mapping the Possibilities 14 The Distribution Network 15 ICICI and Corporate Division 16 Leveraging Technology 17 Focussed Group Approach 17 Leveraging relationships 18 E- Finance In ICICIRead MoreWhy Unemployment is Such an Important Issue?4436 Words   |  18 Pageshalf of developing countries are experiencing a slowdown in employment growth, the paper said. In Africa, unemployment and under-employment is a big problem to the member states. According to ILO, 2008, high unemployment remains one of the greatest challenges to Africa’s development. This has and continues to be a major concern to both member states, policy makers and all other stakeholders. The continuous increase in unemployment has seen increasingly rising poverty level in the sub-Sahara Africa. Pollin

Monday, December 16, 2019

Self-Defense Law Free Essays

Post | Self-Defense Law | A WSJ Article by Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry | | Robert Hallam| 4/1/2012| LAW-13 Paper #2 | Self-defense laws, also known as â€Å"stand your ground laws†, have been a significant aspect of many court cases. However, like most other laws, these laws can be used improperly and cause excess controversy around a case. Joe Palazzolo and Rob Barry’s article titled â€Å"More Killings Called Self-Defense† from the March 31st edition of Wall Street Journal brings attention to these self-defense laws. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Defense Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now The case discussed in the article is an example of self-defense laws causing controversy, as many protestors believe these laws were used improperly. This is also a common issue as the number of justifiable homicides seems to be on the rise. Are these â€Å"stand your ground laws† truly being abused? This is the main issue causing the debate surrounding cases around the country. The article describes a case of homicide in which 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by supposed neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman. This case has become very controversial for several reasons. Much debate has been sparked as to whether this homicide was actually an intentional hate crime, as Martin was a black teenager, who supposedly posed no real threat to the killer. Despite lack of evidence against Martin, Zimmerman still claims that his act was out of self-defense and he has not been charged or arrested. Zimmerman claims he was walking to his car and Martin approached him and punched him in the face, breaking his nose. Recent evidence shows that there was virtually no damage inflicted on Zimmerman’s face or nose. Zimmerman also claims that Martin had bashed his head into the ground, leaving him with serious head injuries. New video evidence goes against his claim, revealing no head injuries (Zerlina, 2012). His lawyer has yet to make any further comments. Although it cannot be assumed that race was a main factor in this case, it is still the cause of much debate. Since Martin supposedly posed no real threat to the killer, protestors believe that this is not considered justifiable homicide and the self-defense law is being used improperly. The article provides statistics regarding justifiable homicide and self-defense laws, as well as the relationship between the two. According to the information provided in the article, the data on the relationship between the two has not been sufficiently studied, thus many questions surrounding the issue are still left unanswered. For instance, according to criminal scientists, â€Å"the data on justifiable homicide and their relationship to â€Å"stand your ground laws† has not been rigorously studied†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ So the question remains unanswered if â€Å"a rise in justifiable homicides reflects killings that otherwise wouldn’t have happened. Other questions are left unreciprocated as well. What is the typical relationship between the killers and the victims in these sorts of cases? These types of questions remain debatable, according to the statistics and data provided. Many other statistics are mentioned in the article, such as data regarding methods of murder (weapons; guns being the most popular in cases of justifiable homicide), age of victims, and as mentioned previously, race. It appears that many self-defense laws are far too susceptible to abuse (Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts , 2010). The newer concept commonly seen in stand your ground laws follow the obscene Florida variation that â€Å"not only eliminates the duty to retreat, but also presumes that a person who uses deadly force in his home or vehicle had a reasonable fear of harm, and it immunizes the killer from civil lawsuits† (palazzolo, 2012) ; as opposed to the common standard â€Å"Castle Doctrine† system in which individual home owners were perfectly justified in using deadly force against home intruders. The opposition to these new laws asserts that a legal statute was even included in said doctrine that â€Å"you can shoot to kill if your life is in peril, period. † However that does not give you the right to pursue possibly innocent non-immediate threats and that those situations are best handled by notifying authorities. According to the legal definition of self-defense, the harm of another person is only justifiable †if a person reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm† (lectric law ). So, according to this definition, homicide is only justified if there is a present danger and an attack is being made to avoid such danger. The defense must be done to prevent a crime which would amount to a felony if committed (lectric law ). These laws are intended to allow an individual to prevent real harm on his or her self. In short, was the case concerning the murder of Martin truly a case of self-defense, or should Zimmerman be charged with homicide? Here is where the debate comes into play. In this case, it appears that there is no evidence collected against Martin, and so the homicide should not yet be considered justifiable. This is an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to abuse. If an act of homicide is going to be deemed justified, there should always be a sufficient amount of evidence. The possibility of Zimmerman’s case being a hate crime still exists, but there is not enough evidence to support this either. Although self-defense laws are helpful to many cases, these powers can clearly be abused. Since proper evidence has not been provided, it is improper to make official conclusions, but it seems that Zimmerman’s case may be an example of the self-defense laws being too susceptible to exploitation. Zimmerman’s case does not seem to follow the legal definition of self-defense, yet he was not charged or arrested. Protestors are fighting for Zimmerman’s arrest, as not enough evidence has been found against Martin, the victim of gunfire who supposedly presented a threat to the attacker. These protestors are rallying nationwide in support of Zimmerman’s conviction. Works Cited (n. d. ). Retrieved april 2, 2012, from lectric law : http://www. lectlaw. com/def/d030. htm palazzolo, j. (2012). more killings called self defense. wall street journal , 1-2. Richard A Mann, Barry S Roberts . (2010). Essentials of business law and the legal environment . Mason: Sout-Western Cengage Learning. Zerlina. (2012, march 29). feninisting. com. Retrieved march 25, 2012, from http://feministing. com/2012/03/29/george-zimmermans-self-defense-story-of-trayvon-martin-shooting-falls-apart/ How to cite Self-Defense Law, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

To do sympathise with curley or do you condemn her free essay sample

Throughout the 1930s in California, where and when the novel of mice and men was set, women were frequently suppressed and treated as objects. They were put down and often abused. They were forced to do anything their husband says otherwise they were condemned by the family and general public. Several of these issues are reflected in the character of Curleys wife. This character is portrayed in many different ways in the different stages of her life. This character is nameless and is only ever referred to as Curleys wife. I think this may mean that she is not a major part and as a woman is thought of as insignificant and maybe Steinbeck feels that it is not necessary to name her as it was viewed at the time as she does not need or deserve one. This is why I think that she should be sympathised. The men that work on the ranch have a different opinion as they call her a â€Å"tart† and â€Å"jail bait† they call her this because she flirts with the other ranch hands despite being married to curly. We will write a custom essay sample on To do sympathise with curley or do you condemn her or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By using the word â€Å"jail† it shows that it is like being in a prison for her and she is stuck there. This is our very first introduction of Curley’s wife which makes a big impact on how we view her for the rest of the story. From this point onwards we always think of her as looking for trouble and living up to her name as being â€Å"jail bait†. Different readers would have different impressions of her as they may feel they could connect with her. A woman feels sorry for her because she is stuck at the barn with a load of men and was not able to for fill her dream of becoming an actor. As a man may think that she is just there to cause trouble. Another reason to feel sorry for her is because she is lonely, â€Å"Think I’m gonna stay in that two-by four house and listen to how Curley’s gonna lead with his left twice, and then bring in the ol’ right cross. † This shows that Curley’s wife is very lonely, as are so many people in the novel and is trapped in a loveless marriage. Finally, she could be sympathised for because she had her dreams ruined. She was told that she was going to be put in the movies but she never did. â€Å"He says he was gonna put me in the movies. † By saying she was going to be â€Å"in the movies† is shows that she was going to have a perfect life but not everything turns out right and you can end up with nothing. Although, at some points in the book you have no sympathy for Curley’s wife and you condemn her. An example of this would be when she is horrible to crooks and threatens him with lynching. â€Å"You know what I can do if you open your Trap† This shows that she can be vindictive and she will use the power her status gives her even if it is totally unfair. By using the word â€Å"trap† it shows that once she is there it is hard to get away and she is stuck. When she dies I feel sorry for her as she never meant no harm to anyone and was just looking for company, not for sex, as she had no one to talk to. Another reason why I feel sorry for her I because she died due to Lennie’s incapableness of controlling himself. Another person’s view may be that the death was â€Å"futile†. To conclude, I feel sympathetic for Curley’s wife as she was promised dreams that she never got . She got married to a man that did not love her and she lived her life seeking attention and love which she did not get from her husband, In return all the men turned their noses up at her and thought she was there to cause trouble. A quote, when she dies, which sums her up would be â€Å"she was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. † This shows that she was never really evil and her punishment outweigh all crimes she may have committed.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Home vs Dorm Essay Example

Home vs Dorm Essay Each year freshman students flock and migrate to a location where they could finally escape the stress of parents, siblings, and their own house and neighborhood. For some, the move was a total success, an enjoyment, and a new place to call home. For some though, the move was a struggle, and very un-enjoyable event. In this essay, I will compare and contrast in the views of living in a dorm vs. living at home. Living at home versus living in a dorm has its pros and cons. The ultimate freedom is finally upon you to a certain extent. You still depend on your parents to supply you with the everyday necessities and the occasional baked goodies to. The best thing is that living in the dorm your parents cannot reach you as they once could. The parents have to accept that you are growing into an adult and will show support in any way they can during your tenure at college. (College Dorm Life Vs Life, 2010) Living in a dorm is fun but it can get easily bored after the first few semester’s of staying there. It can also seem to get lonely when you are staying close by to anyone you know or grew up with. We will write a custom essay sample on Home vs Dorm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Home vs Dorm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Home vs Dorm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Since you are living at the dorm now you have to handle stress that comes along to. The classes you are taking to just participating in activities on campus. You have to stay balance or you will start to mess up in class and out of class. One thing that draws us to living in a dorm is the freedom and experience. For example, if you have strict parents or have to abide by your parents rules at home then living in the dorm is priceless. Parents can be a huge bothersome at home when they become too intrusive in your life. Living at the dorm parents do not have the ability to pry open your life and invade your personal space. College Dorm Life Vs Life, 2010) There will be countless experience that you will see and participate on campus. You will be able to look back on your college experience and tell the famous stories you were part of. For example: the parties you went to, no curfew and no pressure from parents to study and no parental guidance. Living on your own as well will teach yo u how to live with yourself and survive to. You are totally on your own; so laundry calls will be in effect. You have to learn as well to balance your school work and keep your own room clean as well. At times living in the dorm can be overwhelming but the key to manage everything is time management. You go to John’s party down the hall, then you watch a movie in the recreation room, then you do your laundry, and finally it hits you that you have an assignment due the next morning. (College Dorm Room Vs Living At Home, 2009) There will be plenty of activities, hanging with friends, homework and chores to maintain. Before you know it the semester will be over and you have survived the first round in college. Living at home will save you tons of money. You won’t save a little bit of money; you will save a boat load of money. (College Dorm Room Vs Living At Home, 2009) You can eat and do laundry for free. You will be saving a lot in these two items alone. The distractions will be less as well compared to living in the dorm. Parents will not let you run wild if you were on your own. This will make it totally easier to focus on your school work. When your parents are 200 miles away you really don’t think too much about how they will react to that low midterm mark. Knowing your parents are just a few steps away makes you a bit more nervous about your grades. College Dorm Room Vs Living At Home, 2009) You will be more comfortable at home as well which is good and bad. When it is time for you to move from your parents house it may be hard to leave. The comfort and emotional attachment as well will be something to overcome. If financial circumstances dictate you starting college in your childhood bedroom, be sure to have fri ends who are dorm dwellers and have space on their floor to call your own on those late nights. (What are the advantages and disadvantages of commuting to college versus living in a dorm? 2010) At least you can still get a taste of the dorm live on campus as well.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Civil Disobedience Debate essays

Civil Disobedience Debate essays After having read Henry David Thoreaus Civil Disobedience and reading what Socrates says in Crito, I believe that the disagreement is only apparent. The idea of what is right and wrong between the men is very similar. However, I think that if Socrates lived in todays society that he would also intentionally violate the law because he believes that nothing is more important than morals, including laws. Throughout Thoreaus essay civil disobedience he talks about how our nation is unjust and how anyone who partakes in even paying taxes is doing an injustice, in which he did jail time for. Although I believe that Thoreau makes many good points and is right by what he says in many cases, but for anyone to actually live a just life in his eyes is not logical. For example, he throws out the idea that a person must sacrifice their values to support the government. For Thoreau this is not a just way of living. He believes that if individual compromises, negotiates, or passively accepts, it is the same as committing a crime. Thoreau also believed that the only laws he had to abide by were his own. Individualism was a main point in Thoreaus theories. He said that people only have to worry about the evil they created, and the evil they didnt create they didnt have to worry about. A person does not have to make the world a better place, but just does not have to make it any worse. In addition, Thoreau was very critical to democracy. He said that people who value democracy are moral sellouts. The fact that our country allows decisions to be made on a majority level is not just at all. So the question is, do we abide by the laws that elected officials that we vote for make for all of us and live unjustly, or do we live justly in a manner and spend our lives like Thoreau did writing essays and trying to make people see how this way of living will make the world a ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Use Bond Energies to Find Enthalpy Change

Use Bond Energies to Find Enthalpy Change You can use bond energies to find the enthalpy change of a chemical reaction. This example problem shows what to do: Review You may wish to review the Laws of Thermochemistry and Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions before you begin. A table of single bond energies is available to help you. Enthalpy Change Problem Estimate the change in enthalpy, ΔH, for the following reaction: H2 (g) Cl2 (g) → 2 HCl (g) Solution To work this problem, think of the reaction in terms of simple steps: Step 1 The reactant molecules, H2 and Cl2, break down into their atoms H2(g) → 2 H(g)Cl2(g) → 2 Cl(g) Step 2 These atoms combine to form HCl molecules 2 H (g) 2 Cl (g) → 2 HCl (g) In the first step, the H-H and Cl-Cl bonds are broken. In both cases, one mole of bonds is broken. When we look up the single bond energies for the H-H and Cl-Cl bonds, we find them to be 436 kJ/mol and 243 kJ/mol, therefore for the first step of the reaction:​ ΔH1 (436 kJ 243 kJ) 679 kJ Bond breaking requires energy, so we expect the value for ΔH to be positive for this step.In the second step of the reaction, two moles of H-Cl bonds are formed. Bond breaking liberates energy, so we expect the ΔH for this portion of the reaction to have a negative value. Using the table, the single bond energy for one mole of H-Cl bonds is found to be 431 kJ: ΔH2 -2(431 kJ) -862 kJ By applying Hesss Law, ΔH ΔH1 ΔH2 ΔH 679 kJ - 862 kJΔH -183 kJ Answer The enthalpy change for the reaction will be ΔH -183 kJ.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Explain how Germany has sought to have both some security and Essay

Explain how Germany has sought to have both some security and flexibility in its labour markets. Have these approaches been su - Essay Example Social security represents the employment security and social security. The purpose of this paper is to understand the concept of â€Å"flexicurity†. This concept relates to a positive relationship between the two aspects of labour market security and flexibility (Sauert, 2009). However, there are opposing views regarding the concept of flexicurity as well. According to authors like, Stanford and Vosco, increasing flexibility in labour markets is synonymous to decreasing flexibility (Rodgers, 2012). The aim of this paper is to study the context of labour market security and flexibility in Germany and the impact of it on the workforce, especially young workers. This paper also analyses the scenario of wage stagnation and mini jobs in Germany, owing to the labour market conditions. Flexibility and Security of Labour markets: Germany One of the key challenges of the member countries in the European Union is to strike the perfect balance between the flexibility and security of the labour market. The main action of policy makers in this regard has been to pass on the responsibility to the social partners. The underlying assumption in this case is that a well-balanced social dialogue leads to a well-balanced social market (Wilthagen, n.d.). ... In particular regard to Germany, the academic literature is more of a divided nature. One section of the academic fraternity believes that the labour flexibility in the German markets must increase as a precursor to reduce the high level of unemployment in the country. However, the emphasis of the government has been more on increasing the income and job security (Wilthagen, Tros and Lieshout, 2003). Regarding the flexibility status, Germany maintains a vision of internal numerical flexibility. Flexibility of working hours and reduction of overtime continues to be one of the most important policy considerations for the future. Over the recent years, the German Labour market has undergone a great degree of transformation, after suffering great levels of unemployment, both structural and long-term, for decades. The level of difficulty was higher for the unemployed workers as they found it difficult to enter the labour market. Since 2000, the introduction of reforms in the labour market s had widely changed the employment structure in the German labour market. Germany had mainly structured its policy around flexicurity, which aimed at less generous benefit system and lower level of protection against dismissal. The flexicurity model employed by Germany mainly relied on developing a well-built social security system, which structured the labour market policies in a way that would employ the people without jobs. The successful reform package of Germany can be traced to the introduction of reforms by Hartz in between 2002-2005 (Federal Republic of Germany, 2004) and Agenda 2010. The key feature has been to employ the job seekers and enhance the flexibility of labour markets. The main recommendations of the Hartz commission have been

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The potential costs and benefits of participation in future Research Paper

The potential costs and benefits of participation in future multilateral nuclear arms - Research Paper Example Further, the continued dissemination of technical and scientific knowledge and the increasing concerns regarding the environmental effects of fossil fuels, the access to dual-purpose technologies will undoubtedly grow. From a Beijing perspective, this project will write a policy paper that outlines the potential costs and benefits of participating in future multilateral nuclear arms control negotiations involving the United States, Russia and China. China declared during the Cold War that as a nation, it would become part of a multilateral arms control regime so long as the US and Russia reduced their arsenals by half (SCRF 47). This led to the US and Russia reducing their nuclear stock piles. China went ahead and fulfilled that condition, but there are recent reports that it will keep holding back from getting into multilateral arms control with the two nations until their arsenals are more closer in size to its own (Fowler 53). Further, financial, technological and doctrinal constraints have kept China from engaging in nuclear arms control with the US and Russia. However, if China participates in the disarmament, nonproliferation and multilateral arms control, negotiations, there will be associated costs to Beijing. First, China will have to contend with the risk of being exposed to attacks by other NWS and, in particular, the US and Russia, with whom they are supposed to enter a control regime (Larson & Shevchenko 118). This is regardless of how unfounded the possibility presently seems but, given the massive population of China and the likely consequences of an attack, it is a risk that cannot be assumed. There will also be further moral and strategic costs, particularly in terms of defending key national interests and those touching on territorial integrity and national sovereignty. While officially declining to be participants of the 2003 US-proposed

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Discrimination and Single Equality Scheme Essay Example for Free

Discrimination and Single Equality Scheme Essay Ann Gravells states the importance of keeping uptodate with legislation and codes of practise in Preparing to Teach in the LifeLong Learning Sector. According to Gravells it is important to do so â€Å"to ensure you are remaining current with your knowledge and practise, and any changes or updates that have taken place.† I comply with various generic legislation and codes of practise which relate to my role as a teacher and some that are specific to the subjects I teach i. e. assessor and verifier awards, management, helath socialcare (adults and children) and some specific to my organisation. As a teacher I need to be aware of and comply with the following: †¢ Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. †¢ shall be the duty of every employee while at work— †¢ (a)to take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and of other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work; and †¢ (b)as regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him so far as is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be performed or complied with †¢ Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. †¢ Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA). †¢ Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (designed to bring education within the remit of the DDA through the addition of Part 4 DDA 1995). †¢ Equality Act 2010. the Act is to consolidate the complicated and numerous array of Acts and Regulations, which formed the basis of anti-discrimination law in Great Britain. This was, primarily, the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and three major statutory instruments protecting discrimination in employment on grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation and ageIt requires equal treatment in access to employment as well as private and public services, regardless of the protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. In the case of gender, there are special protections for pregnant women. In the case of disability, employers an d service providers are under a duty to make reasonable adjustments to their workplaces to overcome barriers experienced by disabled people. †¢ Data Protection Act 1998. †¢ Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (The Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003). †¢ IfL Code of Practice for Teachers (2008) covers the activities of teachers in Lifelong learning sector. Gravells, a the code is based on seven behaviours, namely: professional integrity, respect, reasonable care, professiponal practise, criminal defense disclosure, responsibility during institute investigations, responsibility. †¢ Safer practice, safer learning (2007) – responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the learning and skills sector – published by NIACE and DES. The LSC Single Equality Scheme 2007-10: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity (LSC, 2007) identifies their strategy for ensuring legal requirements are met and is relevant to all organisations funded by the LSC (Learning and Skills Council), link http://readingroom.lsc.gov.uk/lsc/National/nat-singleequalityscheme-30apr07.pdf [pic] Although mainly relevant for teachers working with learners under 19 or vulnerable adults under 25 years of age, you should also look at: †¢ Protection of Children Act 1999. †¢ Every Child Matters Every Child Matters (ECM) is a UK government initiative for England and Wales, that was launched in 2003, at least partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbià © Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to: †¢ Be healthy †¢ Stay safe †¢ Enjoy and achieve †¢ Make a positive contribution †¢ Achieve economic well-being Biblography: Gravells, Ann: Preparing tpo Teach in the Life Long Learning Sector : fourth Edition. †¢ Safer practice, safer learning (2007) Responsibilities for safeguarding vulnerable adults in the learning and skills sector, NIACE and DES. †¢ LSC (2007) Single Equality Scheme: Our Strategy for Equality and Diversity Online: http://readingroom.lsc.gov.uk/lsc/National/nat-singleequalityscheme-30apr07.pdf [pic] http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1974/37/section/7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_Act_2010 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Every_Child_Matters

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Societal Needs:Diversity and Equity Essay -- essays papers

Societal Needs:Diversity and Equity The purpose of this paper is to examine diversity and equity issues regarding education. More specifically, this research paper will take an in-depth view of affirmative action and its policies. A non biased view was enacted to present the pros, cons, and hotly debated issues regarding affirmative action at the university level. Additionally, the paper will examine the validity and possible biases in alternatives to affirmative action that have recently been issued. Simply stated, affirmative action is an active commitment to enhance employment and educational opportunities for minorities and women. Affirmative action’s origins stem back to the 1960s when the government began to progressively take steps in redressing decades of racial discrimination against blacks (â€Å"affirmative action†). Women and minorities, mostly Hispanic and Native Americans, subsequently were covered in this new remedy. Affirmative action forced private as well as public institutions of higher education to alter their traditional ways regarding the recruitment and admission of students (Lowe 13). Colleges and universities developed organized methods to help attract black students. Increased representation of black students on campus now became a commitment at all schools. Admission and financial aid were altered to help eliminate existing barriers to access. As a result, numerous minorities who previously may not have been admitted to institutions of higher learning were now being accepted in increasing numbers (Fullinwider). This new commitment and responsibility of institutions, however, was not welcomed by everyone. At what cost would universities go to wh... ... â€Å"Universities Need to Take A Stand and Defend Affirmative Action.† Black Issues in Higher Education 17.4 (2000): p42 Lowe, Edward, Jr. (1999). Promise and Dilemma. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. McClafferty, K. â€Å"Challenges of the New Sociology of Urban Education.† Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. 3-15 Pg. 9 Miller, Geralda. â€Å"Study: Racial Prejudice is Reason For Affirmative Action Resistance† Black Issues in Higher Education 17.2 (2000): p14. Plous, S. (2003). Ten Myths about Affirmative Action. In S. Plous (Ed.), Understanding Prejudice and Discrimination (pp.206-212). New York: McGraw-Hill. Symonds, William C. â€Å"College Admissions: The Real Barrier Is Class.† Business Week 3828 (2003): p66. Zwick, Rebecca. â€Å"Eliminating Standardized Tests in College Admissions.† Phi Delta Kappan (1999): 320-325.

Monday, November 11, 2019


5- 10 songs When I’m inlove.. STEPHEN SPEAKS â€Å"Out Of My League† it's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away and the feeling that i'm falling further in love makes me shiver but in a good way all the times i have sat and stared as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays, with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say coz i love her with all that i am and my voice shakes along with my hands coz she’s all that I see and she’s all that I need and i'm out of my league once again it's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me s the world spins around her she laughs, rolls her eyes and i feel like i'm falling but it's no surprise coz i love her with all that i am and my voice shakes along with my hands cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea but i'd rather be here than on land yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need and i'm out of my league on ce again it's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away and the feeling that i'm falling further in love makes me shiver but in a good way all the times i have sat and stared as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair nd she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays, with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say coz i love her with all that i am and my voice shakes along with my hands cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea but i'd rather be here than on land yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need and i'm out of my league once again Bryan adams – HEAVEN Oh, thinkin' about all our younger years There was only you and me We were young and wild and free Now nothin' can take you away from me We've been down that road before But that's over now You keep me comin' back for more Chorus] Baby you're all that I want When you're lyin' here in my arms I'm findin' it hard to believe We're in heaven And love is all that I need And I found it there in your heart It isn't too hard to see We're in heaven Oh, once in your life you find someone Who will turn your world around Bring you up when you're feelin' down Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me Oh, there's lots that I could say But just hold me now ‘Cause our love will light the way [Chorus] I've been waitin' for so long For somethin' to arrive For love to come along Now our dreams are comin' trueThrough the good times and the bad Yeah, I'll be standin' there by you [Chorus] When I’m sad.. Coldplay â€Å"Fix You† When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse And the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you And high up above or down below When you're t oo in love to let it go But if you never try you'll never knowJust what you're worth Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you Tears stream down on your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down on your face And I†¦ Tears stream down on your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes Tears stream down on your face And I†¦ Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you The fray How To Save A Life† Step one you say we need to talk He walks you say sit down it's just a talk He smiles politely back at you You stare politely right on throughSome sort of window to your right As he goes left and you stay right Between the lines of fear and blame And you begin to wonder why you came Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Let him know that you know best Cause after all you do kn ow best Try to slip past his defense Without granting innocence Lay down a list of what is wrong The things you've told him all along And pray to God, he hears you And pray to God, he hears you Where did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life As he begins to raise his voice You lower yours and grant him one last choice Drive until you lose the road Or break with the ones you've followed He will do one of two things He will admit to everything Or he'll say he's just not the same And you begin to wonder why you came Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend Somewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life Where did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitterness And I would have stayed up with you all night Had I known how to save a life When I’m hyper or energetic.. â€Å"Where Them Girls At† (feat. Flo Rida and Nicki Minaj) [Chorus:] So many girls in here, where do I begin? I seen this one, I'm about to go in Then she said, I'm here with my friends She got me thinking and that's when I said Where them girls at, girls at? Where them girls at, girls at? Where them girls at, girls at? So go get them, we can all be friends [Verse 1: Flo Rida] Hey, bring it on baby, all your friends You're the shit and I love that bodyYou wanna ball, let's mix it, I swear you're good, I won't tell nobody You got a BFF, I wanna see that girl, it's all women invited Hair do's and nails, that Louis, Chanel all up in the body President's in my wallet, no rules I'm about it Blow the whistle for the hotties I got it, shawty, it's never too much, can't be doing too much 10 to one of me, I can handle that love Outta of my reach, we can all get buzz Holla cause I'm free, to whatever it's no rush [Chorus:] So many boys in here where do I begin? I see this one, I'm about to go in Than he said I'm here with my fr iends He got to thinking, then that's when he saidWhere them girls at, girls at? Where them girls at, girls at? Where them girls at, girls at? So go get them, we can all be friends [Verse 2: Nicki Minaj] Peebe, peebe, who's Peabo Bryson? Two years ago I renewed my license Anyway, why'd I start my verse like that? You can suck on a dick, or you can suck on a ballsack No no, I don't endorse that Pause that, abort that Just the other day mi go London, saw that Kissing down the street, paparazzi, all that Hey hey what can I say? Day day day da-day day Coming through the club, all the girls in the back of me This ain't football, why the fuck they tryna tackle me? Really?I pick dude at the bar like really? Looking like he wanna good time like really? Said he had a friend for my home girl Lilly Lilly, Lilly, Lilly [Chorus:] LMFAO Sexy And I Know It† Yeah, yeah When I walk on by, girls be looking like damn he fly I pimp to the beat, walking on the street in my new lafreak, yeah This i s how I roll, animal print, pants outta control, It's Redfoo with the big afro And like Bruce Leroy I got the glow [a reference to the 80's martial arts classic â€Å"The Last Dragon†, where martial artists, having attained master status, start to glow when practicing their moves, and also get some special powers. Ah†¦ Girl look at that body  [x3] Ah†¦ I work out Ah†¦ Girl look at that body  [x3] Ah†¦ I work out When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok) Everybody stops and they staring at me I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it I'm sexy and I know it  [x2] Yeah When I'm at the mall, security just can't fight them off And when I'm at the beach, I'm in a Speedo trying to tan my cheeks (what) This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go We headed to the bar, baby don't be nervousNo shoes, no shirt, and I still get serviced (watch) Ah†¦ Girl look at that body  [x3] Ah†¦ I work out Ah†¦ Girl look at that body  [x3] I work out When I walk in the spot (yeah), this is what I see (ok) Everybody stops and they staring at me I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it, show it I'm sexy and I know it  [x2] I'm sexy and I know it†¦ Check it out  [x2] Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah  [x3] Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah, yeah Do the wiggle man I do the wiggle man Yeah I'm sexy and I know it

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Jane Eyre Essay

In the novel Jane Ere, Charlotte Bronze describes and expresses the life of the protagonist, Jane, through the character's own eyes. As Jane begins to explain her story to the reader, It Is shown fairly quickly that she leads, perhaps not a terrible, but an ill-fated life. Bronze uses this to her full advantage, swirling different styles into the tale through Cane's sense of self or outlook on the world, her discovery of the truths of her relationships, and the bizarre events that take place over the course of the story.These styles are romantic and gothic, and Bronze incorporates aspects from OTOH In her novel in a way that they smoothly advance the story. The style Bronze uses for Jeans personality Is romantic. Bronze gives Jane very romantic character traits. Jane may at first be considered a very common or ordinary person but she is in truth very original, â€Å"[when Rochester expresses his surprise that she is thus]† (). Even Mr.. Rochester, one of the few people she's b ecome close to, is surprised to discover how unique Cane's mind is. It Is her mind, in fact, that he comes to love so much.Another clear example of romanticism is how Jane freely expresses herself, â€Å"It was Bessie†¦ UT I did not stir†¦ I was not disposed to care much for the nursemaid's transitory anger, and I was disposed to bask In her youthful lightness of heart. I just put my two arms around her and said, ‘Come, Bessie! Don't scold! ‘ the action was†¦ Frank and fearless† (36). Even as a young child Jane was rather bold, and this trait only grew more as she aged. She does not hesitate to express herself even with Mr.. Rochester, who was in a higher social class than herself.Being individual, thoughtful and expressing things freely, which Jane is and does, are all elements of a mantic writing style, clearly showing that Bronze uses this style In her novel. The style Bronze uses for many of the settings In Cane's life Is gothic. The events and settings that happen throughout Cane's life tend to have a supernatural or dark feel to them. Shortly after Jane had agreed to marry Mr.. Rochester for the first time there was a great storm, â€Å"It [the chestnut-tree] writhed and groaned†¦ [It] had been struck by lightning†¦ And half of it split away/' (275-76).This is an example of gothic elements because what happens to the tree represents what Is going to happen In he near future, giving It a supernatural effect. The tree comes to represent Cane's and Mr.. Rochester relationship: how they part ways, then come back together after a time. The school that Jane goes to as a child and young woman is described as a very gloomy place; the girls at Elwood were forced to go outside for an hour in the cramped garden, where it was so cold that they developed chilblains. After which, there was no solace because the students didn't have enough food to revive, or fire to warm (59-60).Nearly all the children were hungry and cold; It was not until the bring that It began to get warmer and soul the students were starved. Besides that, an even darker event happened at Elwood – many students, including her friend Helen, die of typhus. The presence of desolation, gloom, and mysterious events all point to Bronze having used gothic traits in her writing. Throughout the novel, Bronze combines both romantic and gothic writing styles. She does this very well, so that the reader doesn't feel as if the story Is disjointed or awkward. After Jane and Mr..Rochester's wedding Is stopped, Mr.. Rochester shows Bertha, who is a schizophrenic. Knowing now that she cannot marry Edward, and she does not want to become his mistress, Jane decides to leave Threefold for good (316-320). The romantic trait of this situation was that Jane decided to leave, even though she really did not want to, because she had to do what was best for her. The gothic aspect was Mr.. Rochester's wife; a mad-woman who was living in his attic and h ad tried to kill him multiple times. After about a year, Jane is once more drawn to Mr.. Rochester; Jane hears Mr..Rochester's voice call out to her right before she is about to agree to marrying SST. John and decides that night that she will leave SST. John and the others to pursue what she wants, and that is to find out what became of Edward (456-459). The gothic, clearly, is how Jane can hear Mr.. Rochester call out to her even though they are miles and miles apart. The romantic is that, once again, Jane decides on what she is going to do based on what best for her, as an individual. In both of these situations, the romantic and gothic aspects come together and add interest to Bronze's novel.In conclusion, Charlotte Bronze's novel, Jane Ere combines romantic and gothic rating styles fluently in order to tell Cane's story. The romantic elements were usually infused to Cane's own character; the way she thought, her personality, and the way she lived her life. It was the settings an d events that took place, however, that held the gothic elements; Elwood, the storm, Mr.. Rochester's wife Bertha, and how she came back to Mr.. Rochester himself for Just a few examples. The way Bronze accomplished this feat is what drew in many people to reading, then consequently liking, her works and these affects continues to this day. Jane Eyre Essay Director Cary Faking in his adoption of Jane Ere (2011, uses a variety of film techniques to reveal key Ideas and to engage a modern audience. Set In the Victorian Era In England, Jane Ere tells the story of weekender young woman who overcomes tragic life circumstances before embarking on a Journey searching for independence, a sense of belonging and the true meaning of love.Faking uncovers the theme of isolation and loneliness through different sound effects and music, whereas the idea of emotional despair is illustrated carefully through different camera angles. Cane's characterization throughout the story emphasizes her courage and spirit. Faking portrays the dews of isolation and loneliness through the film techniques of music and sound effects. The director shows this by adding non-dietetic sounds to the dietetic sounds in the movie, representing this in the opening scene, which depicts Jane running across a field, crying.There are many dietetic sound here such as, the mind howl ing, ex. thunder, Jane crying and leaves crunching under her feet, which sets the scene for the audience. Subsequently a sad and lonely violin tune Is heard, making the audience empathic with Jane and adding emphasis to the sadness of the dietetic sounds. This also makes the audience curious as to what the cause of her distress is. Later in the movie, Faking highlights the pain of isolation and loneliness through sound effects, which is heavily displayed when Cane's Friend, Helen, receives a edge as punishment for ‘misbehaving'.During this scene the only sound heard is the whipping noise; emphasizing the characters pain, which subsequently causes the audience to feel empathy for her by this highlighting of her pain. Fustian's use of music and sound throughout the movie is effective in making the audience feel empathy for Cane's loneliness, pain, and Isolation. Faking presents the theme of emotional desolation through deferent camera angles and positions. This theme Is revealed in the scene at the opening of the movie when Jane arrives at the crossroads.The director uses this scene to demonstrate emotional despair by using a diverse range of camera angles, such as using a very low camera angle to display Cane's pain and sadness. A Tracking camera shot is used to make the audience feel connected to Jane. Following this, a bird's eye view shot is used to show Jane at crossroads, heightening the dews that she is small and insignificant against the landscape. The crossroads also symbolizes of the choices that she has to make.This idea is exposed in the flash back scene of Jane Ere at Elwood School, dews she s ignored and made to stand on the stool for the rest of the day without food and water. Faking uses a variety of camera angle shots to show the emotional despair dodged Jane Ere at Elwood. A mid shot is used to make the audience feel like they are in the scene with Jane making them feel the same feelings as Jane. Following this, an upwards looking shot Is used to make the audience feel her QED and Isolation. The director's use of a variety of camera angles shows the emotional despair Jane goes through during the movie.Director Faking Illustrates Cane's courage and parity through the characterization of Jane in the movie. This is shown in the scene in The scene shows Cane's courage and spirit through her ability to stay strong even when she is upset. The actress demonstrates this through her characterization. The actress's body language such as sitting up straight and holding back tears show Cane's strength. The audience is impressed by Cane's courage and spirit in this upsetting situation, as she is able to not become too emotional. Fustian's characterization of Jeannine shows her courage and spirit, highlighting to the audience how important courage is.Faking effectively uses the film techniques of sound effects, camera angles and characterization to covey the ideas of loneliness, emotional desolation and courage. Ball searching fo r independence, a sense of belonging and the true meaning of love is resolved when she reconnects with Rochester and finds her place in the world. A modern audience continues to be engaged by the story of Jane Ere due to the suspenseful nature of the gothic romantic plot and its distinctive characters who challenge and evoke a range of emotions. Jane Eyre Essay Director Cary Faking in his adoption of Jane Ere (2011, uses a variety of film techniques to reveal key Ideas and to engage a modern audience. Set In the Victorian Era In England, Jane Ere tells the story of weekender young woman who overcomes tragic life circumstances before embarking on a Journey searching for independence, a sense of belonging and the true meaning of love.Faking uncovers the theme of isolation and loneliness through different sound effects and music, whereas the idea of emotional despair is illustrated carefully through different camera angles. Cane's characterization throughout the story emphasizes her courage and spirit. Faking portrays the dews of isolation and loneliness through the film techniques of music and sound effects. The director shows this by adding non-dietetic sounds to the dietetic sounds in the movie, representing this in the opening scene, which depicts Jane running across a field, crying.There are many dietetic sound here such as, the mind howl ing, ex. thunder, Jane crying and leaves crunching under her feet, which sets the scene for the audience. Subsequently a sad and lonely violin tune Is heard, making the audience empathic with Jane and adding emphasis to the sadness of the dietetic sounds. This also makes the audience curious as to what the cause of her distress is. Later in the movie, Faking highlights the pain of isolation and loneliness through sound effects, which is heavily displayed when Cane's Friend, Helen, receives a edge as punishment for ‘misbehaving'.During this scene the only sound heard is the whipping noise; emphasizing the characters pain, which subsequently causes the audience to feel empathy for her by this highlighting of her pain. Fustian's use of music and sound throughout the movie is effective in making the audience feel empathy for Cane's loneliness, pain, and Isolation. Faking presents the theme of emotional desolation through deferent camera angles and positions. This theme Is revealed in the scene at the opening of the movie when Jane arrives at the crossroads.The director uses this scene to demonstrate emotional despair by using a diverse range of camera angles, such as using a very low camera angle to display Cane's pain and sadness. A Tracking camera shot is used to make the audience feel connected to Jane. Following this, a bird's eye view shot is used to show Jane at crossroads, heightening the dews that she is small and insignificant against the landscape. The crossroads also symbolizes of the choices that she has to make.This idea is exposed in the flash back scene of Jane Ere at Elwood School, dews she s ignored and made to stand on the stool for the rest of the day without food and water. Faking uses a variety of camera angle shots to show the emotional despair dodged Jane Ere at Elwood. A mid shot is used to make the audience feel like they are in the scene with Jane making them feel the same feelings as Jane. Following this, an upwards looking shot Is used to make the audience feel her QED and Isolation. The director's use of a variety of camera angles shows the emotional despair Jane goes through during the movie.Director Faking Illustrates Cane's courage and parity through the characterization of Jane in the movie. This is shown in the scene in The scene shows Cane's courage and spirit through her ability to stay strong even when she is upset. The actress demonstrates this through her characterization. The actress's body language such as sitting up straight and holding back tears show Cane's strength. The audience is impressed by Cane's courage and spirit in this upsetting situation, as she is able to not become too emotional. Fustian's characterization of Jeannine shows her courage and spirit, highlighting to the audience how important courage is.Faking effectively uses the film techniques of sound effects, camera angles and characterization to covey the ideas of loneliness, emotional desolation and courage. Ball searching fo r independence, a sense of belonging and the true meaning of love is resolved when she reconnects with Rochester and finds her place in the world. A modern audience continues to be engaged by the story of Jane Ere due to the suspenseful nature of the gothic romantic plot and its distinctive characters who challenge and evoke a range of emotions.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Martin Luther King - Why We Cant Wait

Martin Luther King Jr. Why We Can’t Wait History is made up of significant events that shape our future, and leaders who influence our destiny. Martin Luther King launched the American Civil Rights movement in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott as the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. He was later named to the board of directors of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957. His book Why We Can’t Wait outlines the important events of Civil Rights in the early 1960’s. Why We Can’t Wait centers on his Letter from Birmingham Jail and is bookended with an historical account of the events leading to his arrest of April 12, 1963. The year 1963 marked the 100-year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Martin Luther King asks two questions: why should we wait for emancipation? And aware of what White Americans were doing to Black Americans, â€Å"What is the Negro doing for himself?† (King p. 8) Martin Luther King concludes by pointing out the importance of expanding on the current campaign, what his hopes are for the future, why he wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail, why the campaign was the right thing to do, why America was a better place in January of 1964 than it was in January of 1963, and why America can’t wait any longer to be wholly free. Before Letter from Birmingham Jail can be fully understood, an historical foundation must first be established. â€Å"In the summer of 1963 a need and a time and a circumstance and the mood of a people came together.† (King p. 13) Martin Luther King outlines the conditions of Black America in the early 1960’s, the steps they were taking to change their condition, and goes into detail the conditions that existed specifically in Birmingham, Alabama. The Black community was disappointed in the slow progress being made to de-segregate the school system. With... Free Essays on Martin Luther King - Why We Can't Wait Free Essays on Martin Luther King - Why We Can't Wait Martin Luther King Jr. Why We Can’t Wait History is made up of significant events that shape our future, and leaders who influence our destiny. Martin Luther King launched the American Civil Rights movement in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott as the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association. He was later named to the board of directors of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957. His book Why We Can’t Wait outlines the important events of Civil Rights in the early 1960’s. Why We Can’t Wait centers on his Letter from Birmingham Jail and is bookended with an historical account of the events leading to his arrest of April 12, 1963. The year 1963 marked the 100-year anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and Martin Luther King asks two questions: why should we wait for emancipation? And aware of what White Americans were doing to Black Americans, â€Å"What is the Negro doing for himself?† (King p. 8) Martin Luther King concludes by pointing out the importance of expanding on the current campaign, what his hopes are for the future, why he wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail, why the campaign was the right thing to do, why America was a better place in January of 1964 than it was in January of 1963, and why America can’t wait any longer to be wholly free. Before Letter from Birmingham Jail can be fully understood, an historical foundation must first be established. â€Å"In the summer of 1963 a need and a time and a circumstance and the mood of a people came together.† (King p. 13) Martin Luther King outlines the conditions of Black America in the early 1960’s, the steps they were taking to change their condition, and goes into detail the conditions that existed specifically in Birmingham, Alabama. The Black community was disappointed in the slow progress being made to de-segregate the school system. With...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Catcher in the rye5

Catcher in the rye5 Essay In The Catcher in Rye, Holden views the world as an evil and corrupt place where there is no peace of mind, or innocence. His perception of the world does not change as the novel develops however, towards the end Holden gradually comes to realize that he is powerless to change it. Ironically I think he does mature as the novel progresses. Although we are only told of a short period of Holdens life in the book, Holden is very successful in telling his point of view of the world, a crazy, and corrupt. After Holden leaves Pencey Prep and checks into the Edmont Hotel, is where I see most of his turmoil starts to begin. When he spends the evening in the Hotel he finds himself surrounded by morons and perverts. There were screwballs all over the place. He said. His situation only deteriorates from there on. The more he looks around at the world, the more depressing it seems. (He is generous to remind us that about every 5 sentences). On his date with Sally, he asks her if she ever just gets fed up, and wanted to know if everything would just get worse if you didnt do anything about it. I saw that Holden was in a state of turmoil and confusion in that scene. He wants to put his past behind him and start a new life. I feel that this is a sign of maturity because he is at a state which he has had experience with everyday life, and wants to get far away from it. In the novel I also never saw Holden as immature, I always saw him as a protector of the innocent. When Holden sneaks into his house and talks to Phoebe I feel that he is explaining what happened on his date with Sally, about his plans and all, but in a very symbolic and picturesque manner. He essentially tells Phoebe that he wants to keep children from growing up. It takes most of the book before Holden begins to realize that he is helpless to stop he corruption. Finally, he realizes that not only is he helpless to stop it but, there is nowhere he can go to hide from it. When Holden is delivering the letter to his sister he encounters a f*** you written on the wall. Holden rubs it in with his hand so as to protect the innocent children from reading it. Later on he finds another f*** you on a wall, but this one was scratched in. He discovers he cant deface this one. I felt that this was the beginning of Holdens realization that his dreams are infeasible. Ironically enough, it is one of the innocent children that he is trying to protect who helps him come to terms with this realization. It is Phoebe who challenges his plan to head out west. As he is telling her that she cannot run away, he discovers that he too cannot run away. You cant ever find a place that is nice and peaceful, because there isnt any. The final step in Holdens maturity comes near the end of the book when he is watching Phoebe on the carousel. All the kids kept trying to grab for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe, and I was sort of afraid shed fall off the goddamn horse, but I didnt say or do anything. The thing is with kids is if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything. If they fall off they fall off, but its bad if you say anything to them. Holden at this point no longer regards himself as a child, taking into consideration the way her presents everyone else as kids and that he ultimately realizes that he cannot preserve the innocence of a child. Shortly after this statement Holden has a nervous breakdown. He knows with a sickening certainty that he is powerless to stop both evil and maturation. As a matter of fact it is bad to do so. READ: To Kill A Mockingbird3 EssayBibliography:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Domain Name Dispute Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Domain Name Dispute - Essay Example Pursuant to Para. 4(a) of the .au Dispute Resolution Policy 2010 (hereinafter the Policy), the Complainant contends that the use of the domain name quickileaks-sucks.org is confusingly similar to its domain name quickileaks.org and that the addition of sucks.org to quick leaks does nothing to distinguish the two domain names. The Complainant further argues that over the last five years its use of quick leaks has earned a common law trademark. The common law trademark was acquired by increasing traffic to its site quickileaks.org and publicity in the media over the five year period. The Complainant also maintains that the Respondent does not have a legitimate interest or right in the domain name and is acting in bad faith. These contentions are supported by the assertion that the Respondent does not have a commercial purpose for the use of the domain name and has no connection to the Complainant’s common law trademark and was not authorized to use the trademark. According to Para. 4(a) of the Policy, the Complainant was required to prove that the domain names and trade name were identical or confusingly similar. The Complainant was also required to prove that the Respondent did not have a right or legitimate interest in the domain names. The Complainant was also required to prove that the Respondent acted in bad faith. Thus the Complainant’s allegations do not mean that the Complainant’s allegations are automatically accepted as true. In addition, the Complainant is required to prove that it has a common law trademark. Each of these issues is considered below. What distinguishes the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UNDRP) from the au. Policy, it is not necessary for the complainant to have a registered trademark. All that the complainant is required to prove under the au. A policy is that he or she have acquired a common law trademark through ‘sufficient evidence of use or reputation in the trademark to justify reliance on a common law trademark’.Â